Skin Tightening for the Jawline.
Jawline contouring in Vancouver, BC: Looking for a non-surgical solution to contour your lower face? Get the jawline of your dreams with Skin Tightening from BTL Exilis™.


There are several factors at play when addressing jawline concerns. Some people face issues with submental (under the chin) fat, while others may see sagging skin or loss of bone structure and definition. All of the above can be caused by aging and/or genetics or weight gain. Regardless of the cause there are treatment options available!


The main cause of sagging skin in the lower face is age. The skin loses collagen and elasticity and the fibres break down causing skin to sag. Another effect of this can also include the formation of jowls. Jowls are partly caused by sagging skin and also by localized fat deposits. The lack of tensile strength in the skin around the mouth leads to creases and folds, pulling this skin down, while residual fat situates itself along the borders, accentuating the negative contours even further.


Most people think that fat under the chin is caused by lifestyle or weight gain, however this condition is often also attributed to genetics and aging. In any case, submental fat forms under then chin and reduces the natural jawline contour and chin definition. Fat alone may not be the only issue with fullness under the chin. Weak skin also adds to the sagging effect by failing to keep skin tight and your natural fat pad “tucked.”


As we age our bones deteriorate. We not only lose fat volume in our face but our bone structure actually begins to diminish over time, leading to a sunken, hollow look. This natural age-related loss of volume and bone loss can start presenting itself as early as your late 30’s and early 40’s. You may notice your jawline is not as defined as it used to be. This could be caused by bone loss.

jawline contouring vancouver


BTL EXILIS is a non-invasive, gentle yet effective laser treatment that uses heat energy to stimulate and rebuild collagen. The technology not only tightens skin but also melts fat. Our skilled laser technicians know what layers of skin to target to get the desired results, preserving valuable volume and fat where it is needed for a more youthful look, while eliminating it from areas where it is not desired like under the chin. By combining fat reduction and skin tightening, a more defined jawline can be achieved.


This content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here. The use of any information provided on this content is solely at your own risk.

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