When the sun shines in Vancouver, there’s no better place to be! Beautiful summer is behind us and yet we’re are still enjoying the sunshine. All those who weren’t extra careful may be coping with freckles and brown sunspots or other types of hyperpigmentation that may appear on the photo-damaged skin. Remember: excessive exposure to UVA and UVB lights in your early 20s will lead to sunspots in the long run. Luckily there is a great solution, IPL photorejuvenation in Vancouver is one of the most popular treatment at this time of a year.
Get the IPL photorejuvenation in Vancouver
IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light, also known as photorejuvenation or the photo facial. This procedure is very effective for all those who have sun damaged skin, freckles, irregular pigmentation and light brown spots on the face, neck, and chest.
Briefly, IPL is a quick laser procedure which destroys the cells that generate extra pigment. The light energy penetrates below the skin’s surface and breaks down the pigment into tiny particles. To all those wondering about downtime, we must say it’s a myth when people say there is no downtime. IPL procedure is a relatively painless procedure. There will be redness immediately after your treatment but this will subside within a few hours. Sometimes it takes up to 48 hours. Also, as the pigment brakes down, it rises to the surface of the, so the dark spots usually become darker. This lasts around 7 days until the pigment naturally fades away within a week or so).
Who should try the IPL photo facial
IPL photo facial is perfect for the patients who are starting to see early pigmentation, minor wrinkling or uneven skin tone. False Creek Skin Solution Team always suggest first time clients to come for a consultation so we can examine your skin before the treatment. Pigmentation and wrinkling can also be reduces by led light therapy.
A great benefit of this procedure is that IPL photorejuvenation in Vancouver is a versatile treatment. It can address a wide range of skin conditions such as hyperpigmentation, redness, sun damaged skin, red blemishes from broken blood vessels, signs of aging… Also, it can be done on different body parts: face, neck, chest, hands.
What to expect at an IPL treatment
You will begin to see results within a few weeks once the skin begins to regenerate and expel the treated pigments that have been heated up by the laser. Redness and discolored areas will diffuse revealing a more even and brighter complexion. Over the week following the treatment, the skin takes on a younger, more refreshed look with less pigmentation and fine lines. If you use Retin-A, you should stop it a week or two before your session to prevent extra sensitivity.
Avoid using Retin-A a week or two before your session to prevent extra sensitivity.
We recommend 1-3 sessions one month apart with maintenance every 6 months. IPL treatment can be combined with a Hydrafacial to remove the dead surface layer prior to the IPL treatment.
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