We cannot escape the aging of the skin. The same applies to formation of wrinkles, rough skin texture or age spots. Fighting the signs of aging is definitely the most challenging for those coping with blotchy, uneven skin complexion and hyperpigmentation. In order to protect itself, the skin produces more pigment due to UV exposure and other environmental factors. This results in uneven pigmentation and brown patches on  skin.


Problems with skin pigmentation rank among the most common skin problems. Brown spots on face or other parts of the body form for a number of reasons.

Light brown spots grow randomly, as we age, and can be found on the face, neck, chest, arms and legs. Shortly, on any exposed area. They are harmless, but they very much affect our appearance. It doesn’t look flattering, we must admit.

There are several factors that contribute to hyperpigmentation. Among others genetics, hormones, sun damage, lifestyle. Brown patches on skin and melasma are directly linked to UV light exposure. Usually, after the age of 40, many people are more likely to develop melasma or brown patches. Those who have light skin color or who get lots of sun exposure are prone to hyperpigmentation.

Most common types are:

  • seborrheic keratoses, barnacle-like nodules that tend to grow;
  • moles;
  • café-au-lait spots, light brown patches in those with genetic predisposition;
  • melasma and age spots.

All these types are benign, especially the last two, and usually represent a cosmetic issue.


Most say prevention is the key. Not that we don’t agree, but we’d rather say persistence is the key. Melasma treatment and brown spot removal usually require multiple approaches. Avoiding excessive sun exposure, wearing sun block and a big hat is just a part of a bigger picture.

Yes, you have to make sure to wear sunscreen all year round. Regardless of the weather condition. Experience teaches us that adequate skin care regimen and professional treatment give us extraordinary results.

All this info pops out a question: How to get rid of brown spots?

  1. Hydroquinone is very effective because it blocks the natural chemical process in creation of melanin. Hydroquinone based creams are actually spot faders and skin lighteners.
  2. Tretinoin or Retinol is usually prescribed in combination with hydroquinone cream. It enhances skin fading. Also, it helps shedding off the dead pigmented skin cells.
  3. IPL or Intense Pulsed Light therapy targets sun damaged skin. As the dark spots on face absorb most of the energy, it draws the pigment closer to the surface of the skin. It takes anything from days up to couple of weeks for the pigment to begin to exfoliate and flare off.

Finally, once the wanted results are achieved, maintenance therapy is advised to prevent hyperpigmentation from returning.

Book a consultation today.

604 . 877 . 1299  /  info@fcskinsolution.com