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[vc_heading title=”PROBLEM: VOLUME LOSS” type=”h4″ style=”style1″ divider_width=”default” divider_color=”dark” color=”default” align=”left” margin_bottom=”20″]
Aging and weight loss can contribute to volume loss especially in the cheeks and lips. Age being the most common factor promotes volume loss as our skin loses collagen and hyaluronic acid the more we age.
When this naturally occurring anti­aging defense being reduced over time, our skin begins to lose elasticity and firmness, which results in volume loss.

Cheeks can appear sunken or saggy and make you look older than you are while the lips can become small and take away from your overall facial aesthetic. Some volume loss may not be caused by aging, you may simply be looking contour or accentuate areas of your face. Augmenting the cheeks to make them appear fuller or adding volume to the lips can improve your overall facial aesthetic and balance out your features.

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At False Creek Skin Solution Clinic we can augment the cheeks, chin, lips and other areas of the face that may be affected by volume with Dermal Fillers. Our medical grade Facial Fillers add volume to the skin and will also correct moderate to severe wrinkles and folds. Our highly trained doctors create results that are natural­looking, instant, and will last up to a year by using industry standard products.

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[vc_section_container width=”1/1″][vc_heading title=”Treatments” type=”h4″ style=”style1″ divider_width=”default” divider_color=”dark” color=”default” align=”center” margin_bottom=”20″][vc_heading title=”LEARN MORE ABOUT SOME AVAILABLE TREATMENT OPTIONS THAT MIGHT BE RIGHT FOR YOUR SPECIFIC CONCERNS” type=”h5″ style=”default” divider_width=”default” divider_color=”dark” color=”default” align=”center” margin_bottom=”20″]
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[button style=”” align=”center” href=”https://fcskinsolution.com/instant-facelift/” title=”Instant Facelift ” target=”_self” icon=”” icon_align=”left” icon_size=”” icon_style=”” icon_c=”” icon_bc=”” icon_bgc=”” icon_bgc_hover=”” size=”normal”]

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Non­surgical, immediate facelift with dramatic results.
[vc_teaser_box text_scheme=”scheme1″ image=”4708″]

[button style=”” align=”center” href=”https://fcskinsolution.com/volume-replacement/” title=”Volume Replacement” target=”_self” icon=”” icon_align=”left” icon_size=”” icon_style=”” icon_c=”” icon_bc=”” icon_bgc=”” icon_bgc_hover=”” size=”normal”]

[/vc_teaser_box][vc_box bg_color=”#c0a183″ opacity=”1″ br_width=”1″ padding=”30px”]

Restore volume, enhance contours & sculpt the face.
[vc_teaser_box text_scheme=”scheme1″ image=”5728″]

[button style=”” align=”center” href=”https://fcskinsolution.com/3d-skin-rejuvenation/” title=”3D Skin Rejuvenation” target=”_self” icon=”” icon_align=”left” icon_size=”” icon_style=”” icon_c=”” icon_bc=”” icon_bgc=”” icon_bgc_hover=”” size=”normal”]

[/vc_teaser_box][vc_box bg_color=”#c0a183″ opacity=”1″ br_width=”1″ padding=”30px”]

The ultimate anti­aging defense to Correct, Regenerate & Prevent.
[vc_teaser_box text_scheme=”scheme1″ image=”6158″]

[button style=”” align=”center” href=”https://fcskinsolution.com/titan-for-skin-firming/” title=”Titan Laser” target=”_self” icon=”” icon_align=”left” icon_size=”” icon_style=”” icon_c=”” icon_bc=”” icon_bgc=”” icon_bgc_hover=”” size=”normal”]

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Tighten surface tensity anywhere on the body.
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