[vc_section_container width=”1/1″][vc_heading title=”Obagi Products” type=”h3″ style=”style1″ divider_width=”default” divider_color=”dark” color=”default” align=”left” margin_bottom=”20″]
[vc_heading title=”A message from Obagi” type=”h4″ style=”style1″ divider_width=”default” divider_color=”dark” color=”default” align=”left” margin_bottom=”20″]

“All ages. All skin types. There’s an Obagi for everyone. “Obagi for Life” is our commitment to you and a lifetime of beautiful, healthy ­looking skin. Our role as a leader in skin health is based on a belief that regardless of your age or skin type, there truly is an Obagi for everyone.”


[vc_heading title=”Obagi Products” type=”h4″ style=”style1″ divider_width=”default” divider_color=”dark” color=”default” align=”left” margin_bottom=”20″]

Obagi Medical Products, Inc., is a global specialty pharmaceutical company founded by leading skin care experts in 1988, and is now owned by Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc.® products are designed to minimize the appearance of premature skin aging, skin Obagi damage, hyperpigmentation, acne, and sun damage and are primarily available through dermatologists, plastic surgeons, medical spas, and skin care physicians.

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Obagi skin care products contain prescription­ strength formulations and are available only through physicians, medical spas, and skin care physicians. The only way to ensure your Obagi product is genuine is to purchase it through one of these authorized channels


[vc_section_container width=”1/1″][vc_heading title=”About Dr. Obagi” type=”h4″ style=”style1″ divider_width=”default” divider_color=”dark” color=”default” align=”left” margin_bottom=”20″]

Dr. Obagi is a leading dermatologist based out of Beverly Hills who has been practicing dermatology for over 35 years. He defined skin health in 1981, and came out with the first line available to physicians offices to treat pigmentation with Obagi nuderm in 1985.

Since then, plastic surgeons and doctors from all over the world have sent their worst cases of pigmentation and PIH to him to correct. He was the first to create a line that was safe for all skin types (Fitzpatrick 1­6), when a laser can not be used. His line gave such successful results it started to be coined laser in a box. He has led the way in skin care and has become a pioneer in the industry. With Zo skin health and medical he has done it all over again!

With a 27 year gap and all of the r&d he did in between poured into his new line (Zo skin health). For the first time ever Dr. Obagi has a daily, preventative, anti aging maintenance skin care line, as well as zo medical, a therapeutic line to treat and correct damaged skin (pigmentation, sun damage, acne, acne scarring) with non hq options available for pigment for the first time as well.

This time around, Dr. Obagi has added anti­ inflammatory ingredients to all products, as well as anti irritants, to prevent any downtime. To all of the zo skin health products, he has added your gold standard anti aging ingredients to all products: retinol, peptides, growth factors, and multiple anti oxidants. With Zo, it is a results oriented line and the most progressive medical line available in the industry.

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