[vc_section_container width=”1/1″][vc_heading title=”LATISSE®” type=”h3″ style=”style1″ divider_width=”default” divider_color=”dark” color=”default” align=”left” margin_bottom=”20″]
[vc_heading title=”“The secret is out!”” type=”h4″ style=”style1″ divider_width=”default” divider_color=”dark” color=”default” align=”left” margin_bottom=”20″]

Longer, darker, thicker lashes are possible…naturally. Latisse® is FDA approved serum that is applied along the lash line to stimulate eyelash growth without damaging the hair like mascara and false lashes can sometimes do. The active ingredient is the same that is used in ophthalmology drops to treat glaucoma, so this product is considered to be perfectly medically safe for cosmetic use. Latisse® is available by prescription only, so visit us at False Creek Skin Solution Clinic and find out of this amazing product is right for you!

[vc_gap height=”20″][vc_heading title=”How to use Latisse?” type=”h4″ style=”style1″ divider_width=”default” divider_color=”dark” color=”default” align=”left” margin_bottom=”20″]

Apply a thin coating of the serum along the lashline by using the single use application brushes (provided). With daily use most patients begin to see improved eyelash growth in as little as 4 weeks with full results in as little as 16 weeks.

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Latisse products contain prescription­ strength formulations and are available only through physicians, medical spas, and skin care physicians. The only way to ensure your Latisse product is genuine is to purchase it through one of these authorized channels

Visit our clinic today to learn more about these specialized products.

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